Q & A with Mick


Name: Mick Medew

Nom de Plume:
Tenacious Road Beast

Voice/ Guitar

Currently Residing: 

First Band You Were In:
Night Wind

What have you been doing for the last twenty odd years:
Trying to put on some weight

What gear do you use:
Marshall amplifiers, a JCM 50 watt head through either a Marshall quad or
Blackstar 2x12  also use a Marshall class 5 , 5 watt valve amp i play mostly a 1993 Gibson Les Paul
standard but also play an older Les Paul custom and a Telecaster custom and 2 different Takamine
acoustics , boss super overdrives, ibanez analogue delay

What do listen to these days:
Bellrays, Hellacopters, Klondike's North 40

Name your favorite Tribesmen tune and tell us why:
Date with a Vampyre, it has been good to me

Best memory of your time in the Tribesmen:
Paradise Rock Club  Boston  USA

Strangest Touring Moment:
They gave our rooms away in New York City and Bob and I had to stay in the
YMCA for a night

Who did you room with and tell us something we don't know about them:
Chris, he used to wear
earplugs and a blindfold to bed

Addams Family or The Munsters:
Addams Family  ( Morticia)

Ginger or Maryanne:
Maryanne - I have a soft spot for the unassuming types

Song you never want to play again:
Don't have one , i am more of a musical slut than a musical snob

Song you never tire of hearing:
Rapture by Iio

Favorite book:  
Life by  Keith Richards

Favourite Venue to play: 
HI FI BAR - west end Brisbane, it has a stage curtain and it's just a great

Superhero: Batman , so well dressed. I had a Batman suit as a kid and wore it all the time.

Do you ccok: if so what's your signature dish : 
Yes, Pasta with onion, garlic mushrooms. herbs and cream.

What is number one thing to do on your bucket list:
Acquire a Gibson J 150 acoustic.